
2010 Annual LCC Mini Conference

Page history last edited by Leecy Wise 14 years, 11 months ago




Computer Activities that Engage Adult Learners

2010 Annual LCC mini conference

2/26/10 - 12:15 - 1:30




In Excel we will explore a variety of interactive charts, interactive maps, interactive fractions visual, interactive puzzles, match items, fill blanks, regroup items, record and chart progress. We will create an interactive fractions chart.

In Word we will explore Venn Diagrams, picture dictionaries, cartoon dialogs, calendars, timelines, Bingo cards, mini books, a concentration game, and cloze exercises. We will create a timeline.

In Power Point, we will explore interactive presentations with recorded dialogs, a photo album with comments, flash cards, and interactive games. We will create a photo album with comments.


Resources on your Wiki: http://chiresources.pbworks.com/


Excel Projects and Tutorials


http://chiresources.pbworks.com/Create-Charts-in-Excel - Lunch and Learn Session on 12/18/09

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/Four-Interactive-Projects-in-Excel - Lunch and Learn 1/22/10

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/Using-Excel-with-Adult-Learners - Using Excel with Adult Learners – Early Lunch and Learn session in Excel.

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/Excel-2007-I - Basic ESL 2007 tutorial.

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/Excel-2007-I - Moving from Excel 2003-07



Word Projects and Tutorials

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/MS-Word-2007-I -Introduction to Word 2007

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/Lunch-and-Learn%3A-Word-Projects - Three Projects in Word (Scroll down the page for resources. Top part is for notes.)


Power Point Projects and Templates

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/Interactive-Power-Point - Interactive Power Point 2003 activities for students.

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/MS-Power-Point-2007-I - Intro to PowerPoint 2007

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/Power-Point-LL-2010 - Two interactive PowerPoint projects and resources.

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/ESL-Computer-Activities - Lots of computer ideas for ESL students. Click on "What Are They Saying" for a fun dialog activity.



http://chiresources.pbworks.com/Moving-to-Office-2007 - Moving from Office 2003-2007




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