
TTIX - ESL Activities Workshop

Page history last edited by Leecy Wise 2 years, 1 month ago


Engaging Computer Activites for ESL Learners

TTIX Conference (3 hours with hands-on projects)

Orem, Utah

June 4, 2009


CAEPA Conference (1.5 hours - Presentation only)

Breckenridge, Colorado

August 6, 2009

Leecy Wise

What engages learners?

ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Competence, Satisfaction)
The Magic of Learner Motivation: The ARCS Model, by Kevin Kruse





Multiple Intelligence Inventory *http://www.ldrc.ca/projects/miinventory/miinventory.php









è  MI

è  Culture

è  Safety, Relaxation, Laughter, Involvement, COMMUNITY


Interactive Web Tools and Activities


Google – images, calendar, maps, sites, quizzes


Lots of free tutorials on using Google and other tools, like creating a quiz: http://www.freetech4teachers.com/


è  http://jenkenya.blogspot.com/ - Beginning ESL students

è  http://intermediatelow.blogspot.com/ - Intermediate ESL

è  http://level5english.blogspot.com/ - Level 5 ESL

è  http://ourclass08.blogspot.com/ - Lists a number of student blogs.

è  http://michellesclass.blogspot.com/ - Michelle’s Class.

è  http://www.themlc.org/blogs - The What and How of it.

ESL Sites with Games and Other Activities

è  http://www.freerice.com/ Select level and Topic and get hooked!

è  http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games.htm  - Some of the games are for younger people, but the variety and format are great. -> Geography

è  http://www.vocabulary.co.il/ - Vocabulary fun. Don’t be misled by the images. Adults can have fun with these, too.

è  http://games.britannica.com/index.htm - Britannica downloadable games.

è  http://a4esl.org/ - Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English as a Second Language (ESL). This project of The Internet TESL Journal (iteslj.org) has thousands of contributions by many teachers.

è  *http://www.languageguide.org/english/ - Excellent sound quality for topics covered.

è  http://iteslj.org/cw/ -Easy Crosswords

è  http://www.quia.com/pages/alp.html

è  http://www.manythings.org/ - Word games, puzzles, quizzes, exercises, slang, proverbs and much more. ->Word Drop -> Things you can do with this word list and Choose Word list boxes -> *http://www.manythings.org/listen/ ->>    Obama: Memorial Day

è  http://www.esl-lab.com/ - Listening quizzes and exercises -> Answering Machine (Clip, quiz, script and exercises): I, II, III, IV

è  *http://www.yourchildlearns.com/us_map.htm - Interactive maps. Europe Map.

è  http://www.dfilm.com/live/moviemaker.html - Make a short romantic movie, suspense or horror movie and enter dialog.

è  *http://www.thewclc.ca/edge/ - talking and thinking newspaper articles! (Men Don’t Eat Enough Vegetables.)

è  http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~dtaylor/comingtoamerica.html - Stories by students, read by them (need plug in) and followed by exercises.

è  http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/spelling/plurals/pluralrules/game.shtml - Plurals game

è  http://iteslj.org/games/ - Description of games for English learners. Check out their menu and click on “Links” for more options.

è  *http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/Comix/ - Very simple but fun.

è  *http://www.eslcafe.com/  - One of the oldest ESL site online! Full of resources -> http://www.eslcafe.com/quiz/ -> http://eslcafe.com/idea/ -> games 

è  http://www.englishclub.com/esl-games/- Lots of games like hangman, crosswords and more, with selected vocabulary.

è  http://www.teflgames.com/games.html - ESL


* Examined in workshop




è  http://www.webquest.org/index.php - Webquest Mama!

è  *http://webquest.sdsu.edu/templates/lesson-template1.htm - A simple Webquest template.

è  *http://www.coloradoadulted.org -> Webquests by teachers.

è  http://www.answerbag.com/articles/How-to-Prepare-a-Web-Quest-for-ESL-Students/3052b9a3-d435-6e43-52fe-126d6ced3d30 - How to prepare a WQ for ESL students. (Also, scroll down for other links.)

è  http://www.skwierzyna.net/competition.htm - This is really a Scavenger hunt, but a very creative one!

è  http://personalweb.smcvt.edu/anihlawi/WQ/ - Women’s health. Can be easily adapted to ESL..

è  http://webinstituteforteachers.org/~dhardnett/webquest.html - for beginning readers... Well, you may make it so. Find out about ants!


è  http://rubistar.4teachers.org – Rubrics Mama! Create your own using a template.

è  http://www.teach-nology.com/web_tools/rubrics/ - Links to several rubrics generators.

è  http://www.coloradoadulted.org/ -> Webquests by CO adult teachers. -> http://www.coloradoadulted.org/Webquests/CarQuest/carwebquest.htm (Car Quest - Notice rubrics.)




MS Office Tools


Word - See ->



è  Tables- Calendars, Goal Setting, Styles and Intelligences, cartoon strips

è  Charts – Family trees, Venn diagrams

è  Writing – Sentence completion

è  Picture Dictionary with Audio (Object)

Power Point

è  http://chiresources.pbworks.com/Interactive-Power-Point

è  http://www.jmu.edu/madison/teacher/jeopardy/jeopardy.htm

è  http://teach.fcps.net/trt10/PowerPoint.htm

è  http://www.hardin.k12.ky.us/res_techn/countyjeopardygames.htm (Template, instructions and models)-. Technology Jeopardy

è  http://jc-schools.net/tutorials/PPT-games/

è  Animation – text, slides

è  Organization – Slide view: sentence completion

è  Photo Album

è  Jeopardy and other games

è  Audio



è  Charts

è  Interactive math

è  Interactive maps

è  Crosswords

è  Fill blanks





è  http://www.nimblefingers.com/index_1.html

è  http://www.powertyping.com/

è  http://www.sense-lang.org/typing/

è  http://www.typingtest.com/

Language and Computer Skills List from Pro-Literacy America



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