

Page history last edited by Leecy Wise 10 years ago


Welcome to your Colorado Hybrid Initiative (CHI Resources) Wiki, a project supported by CDE's Adult Education and Family Literacy Program (CDE/AEFL) and maintained by Leecy Wise, Four Corners Professional Development Center.


Colorado Adult Ed Content Site


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We have listed links to our pages below, but you can also view any pages that are created by clicking on the "View All Pages" link at the upper right. 


If you are a writer, to add a page click on Create a Page at the upper right to add a new topic to this wiki. You can then, create text, or import a document you've already created. To add a document to a page, click on the Edit tab at the top of this page, the go to Insert links > Images and files, and upload the file.  The file should appear in the right hand menu.  Highlight where you'd like the link to go and click the filename.





The Tech Ladder Initiative emerged from the desire to provide tools to help Colorado Adult Ed Programs integrate technology into instruction. It represents a set of skills, divided into four levels, to allow instructors to assess their level of knowledge and plan for expanding their skills in a systematic way. Instructors who wish to maintain portfolios of their progress will be offered Certificates of Completion by CDE/AEFL as an incentive to continue to encourage the use of technology among their students.  Tutorial links are included at each level.




Lunch and Learn is a CDE/AEFL project designed to give adult education teachers a way to learn how to apply technology skills in instruction through short, project-based, one-hour sessions during the month. Sessions are offered through web-conferencing, using Elluminate as a tool. Agendas and links to content for each session are listed below in reverse chronological order, starting January 2009. All training sessions created and presented by Leecy Wise.


ESL Computer Activities (Lunch and Learn - 2010)

Moving to Office 2007 (Lunch and Learn, 1/16/09)

Blogging Resources (Lunch and Learn, 1/23/09)

Using Excel with Adult Learners (Lunch and Learn)

Managing Files in Windows XP  (Lunch and Learn) 

Easing Math Anxiety (Lunch and Learn, 1/30/09)

Interactive PowerPoint for Students(Lunch and Learn, 2/6/09)

Goal Setting Resources for Adult Students (Lunch and Learn, 2/13/09)

Hot Potatoes and Audacity (Lunch and Learn, 2/27/09)

Differentiating Instruction (Lunch and Learn, 3/27/09)

Technology for Pre or Early Literate Adults (Lunch and Learn, 4/10/09)

MS Word 2007 I (Lunch and Learn, 5/15/09)

MS Excel 2007 (Lunch and Learn, 5/22/09)

MS Power Point 2007 I (Lunch and Learn, 5/29/09)

Intro to Your Colorado Moodle - (Lunch and Learn, 6/12/09)

Intro to Second Life - (Lunch and Learn, 6/19/09)

ULC - Intro to Using Tech with Students - (8/10/09)

Webquests for Colorado Adult Learners - (Lunch and Learn, 9/11/09)

Three Projects in Word (Lunch and Learn, 12/4/09)

Excel Charts (Lunch and Learn, 12/18/09)

Two Power Point 07 Projects (Lunch and Learn 1/6/10)

Four Interactive Excel Projects (Lunch and Learn (1/22/10)

          Activities with Google Maps(Lunch and Learn 2/5/10)

Blogging with Adult Students (Lunch and Learn 2/19/10)

Virtual Tours - (Lunch and Learn 3/10/10)

Cartooning Online with Adult Students - (Lunch and Learn 4/29/10)




Computer Activities for Adult Learners Workshop (Aurora Workshop, 1/23/09)

TTIX and CAEPAConferences "Engaging Computer Activities for ESL Learners"- Orem, UT, June 4(3 hours) and August 6 (1.5 hours), 2009

TIE CO Conference "Engaging All Learners with MS Office Applications and Web 2.0 Tools"

 - (3 hours) Copper Mountain, June 22, 2009

2100 Annual LCC Mini Conference Session - 2/26/10

International Online Conference, Learning Times, Any Way We Can! - 3/18/10



Web 2.0 Resources for Educators

Video Tips

Skype Tips

Blog Tips

Elluminate Tips

QArbon Tips


Activities for Students

Brenda Zion's Educational Links


EDU131 Collaborative Activities


Organizations for Adult Educators (not used in 2012)

Resources in Adult Education

Adult Learner Services


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