
Engaging Learners with MS Office Applications and Web 2_0 Tools

Page history last edited by Leecy Wise 15 years, 2 months ago

Engaging Learners with MS Office Applications and Web 2.0 Tools

TIA Conference

June 23, 2009

Leecy Wise: leecy@coloradoadulted.org


Four Corners Professional Development Resource Center






Beginning Readers and ESL

For a more complete list of resources, you may review a list I published in recent workshops at http://chiresources.pbworks.com/ESL-Computer-Activitiesand http://chiresources.pbworks.com/TTIX+-+ESL+Activities+Workshop andhttp://chiresources.pbworks.com/Technology-for-Pre-or-Early-Literate-Adults.


Read Write Think: Many fun activities with which to interact. Check out the Web Resources section for additional suggestions. The Student Materials Tab is loaded with good stuff for beginning speakers and readers.


GAMES (http://www.humorsphere.com/fun/ - “Are you usual or unusual?” )

Be sure to google “serious games” and explore the links! Google “game show templates!” Google “games!” 




Class Marker: The ClassMarker online testing website is a professional, easy to use online quiz maker that marks your tests and quizzes for you. You simply create your quizzes and your learners or business clients take them online.http://www.classmarker.com/


Hot Potatoes: “The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Hot Potatoes is not freeware, but it is free of charge for those working for publicly-funded non-profit-making educational institutions, who make their pages available on the web. Other users must pay for a license. Check out the Hot Potatoes licensing terms and pricing on the Half-Baked Software Website.

http://hotpot.uvic.ca/ - Home

http://hotpot.uvic.ca/tutorials6.htm - Tutorials

http://chiresources.pbworks.com/LL+-+Februray+27%2C+2009 - Links, instructions and examples from a Hot Potatoes workshop in 2009.



http://www.eduslide.net/ - “Eduslide allows anyone to create educational content and deliver it online, free of charge. Within the system we offer different ways of presenting information, using testing modules, wikis, chat, blogs, slideshows, and more. We welcome requests to produce more lesson types.” ->http://www.eduslide.net/app/modules/learn/allCourses.php à Search Math


Audacity - http://hotpot.uvic.ca/ - Create sound files.


Slide Share







                  Maps and Earth

                  http://sky.google.com ->http://earth.google.com/sky/skyedu.html




YouTube and Teacher Tube: Watch movies created by all sorts of folks. Have students upload their movies and share them. Embed movies into blogs and presentations. NOTE: Research the material before you assign it!


Support Resources






WORD (Tables, timelines, diagrams, charts, cloze, pictionaries, on and on)


POWERPOINT (All of the above with the added ease of creating interaction and options for automatic or manual presentation modes. Try the photo album for starters. Students can take their own learning to a higher level as they apply PP tools in creating and publishing slides.)

Jeopardy Question Banks


Activity: Create a Jeopardy game using the content list in the links below:


EXCEL (All of the above with the added ease of creating interaction through formulas!)



1. Create an interactive map using the image below as a background. (http://www.infotoday.com/MMSchools/jan02/lehmann.htm )

2. Create an interactive crossword puzzle on parts of the body.

Google “Excel Projects” or “Excel Student Project” for great links to interactive Excel.


US Map to complete the activity: http://www.energycodes.gov/images/us_map_colored.gif



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